I'm involved in several research and practical projects. You can find out more about them below:
Scientific grant from the Russian Science Foundation, 2022-2024, which aims to create a socio-psychological structural and procedural model of interaction between the psychosocial characteristics of the working environment and proactive employee behaviour as a factor of subjective well-being and innovative potential of the organisation
I'm a team member of professional mediators from all over Russia. Together, we develop comments and amendments to existing laws on mediation in Russia, share the rules of ethics for mediators and provide support to all those interested in mediation
Research grant from the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, implemented in 2019-2021, which aims to study the socio-psychological factors of gender inequality, its impact on the success of working women and the creative potential of the organisation
It is a unique team development framework for Agile organisations, being developed by the consultancy company Kite:Project. The Team Development Framework complements Agile and helps the IT team leader, who has no expertise in psychology, to more easily solve issues for which such expertise is required.

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